Best places to see in Bangalore, Karnataka -Part 2

We recently published some of the best places to see in Bangalore, Karnataka, India. We are planning to continue with this with different part one by one to share with you.

So, we either post the article or few photos in each post or you might even able to see some of the best places to see in Bangalore, Karnataka with article and photos together with the above title subject.

The above picture taken from a garden which is near Lal bagh, Bangalore, India.

The above photo taken from one of the tea shop near Bangalore, India.

The above picture was taken in one of the village near Bangalore, India.

The above photo taken from WeWork in Residency Road, Bangalore, India.

There are many best places to see in Bangalore, Karnataka, India. There are potential locations as well which we are planning to reach, cover and blog about them soon.